Thursday, February 28, 2008
it'll keep

a trip to GA

Sunday, February 17, 2008
You would never have guessed that much of the time when this little guy Tarin saw my camera he yelled "no" but friends, it's true. Okay, maybe not MOST of the time, but it was pretty stinkin funny to me. Even funnier now that in spite of his love for my camera (or lack of) I got some pictures that I think are pretty sweet.
The best part of Tarin playing guitar is that he was seriously not just strumming but changing chords. And look at his mom--go Spring! (I think Matt is just in AWE in this picture of how talented his family is at the little red guitar)

some new pics...
Well, I'm learning I'm not the best blogger. I have a long way to go. Here are some recent pictures of some photo shoots I did. First, my nephew Talan who is about to be one--happy birthday sweet guy! This is the one that sooo many of you prayed for last year when he was first born--look at him now?! He has the sweetest personality, he LOVES his momma (and so do we) and he's just adorable.
I've been blessed with some new friends since moving to Kansas and Becky is one of them. She has four kids, the baby in these pics being her newest. She is the most relaxed mom and it's so refreshing to be around her! We knew each other from high school but proximity and stage of life has provided for a nice reconnection. Her husband has been awesome to get BJ side work and we're renting our new house from them. So yeah, we like them :) Her kids are adorable, huh?