Wednesday, January 16, 2008


These sweet little footprints are my niece's--Micaiah Rose. Most of you who read this blog know her story, but for those of you who don't: Micaiah was the first daughter of BJ's sister, Aimee and her husband, Jay. She was born at 28 weeks, Oct. 15, 2005, because her cord was in a knot. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced and cannot even begin to grasp what they have gone through and will continue to go through. However, God has been so amazing and they have sought Him every step of the way and we've been blown away at how God has turned this around for His glory.

A friend reminded me of a foundation I had read about awhile back and just never felt like I was ready to offer my services. The foundation is called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. Their mission statement is below.

Their website is and basically it is a foundation for parents whose babies have died and they have a volunteer database of photographers who will volunteer their time to come and take portraits of your baby in the hospital. I love it. You also receive a dvd of the pictures at no cost. The sitution is so hard and you can't imagine in that moment maybe even wanting photos, but it's so worth it. Anyway, I was ready so many of the families' stories and was just crying at the computer screen. Thinking about Micaiah, about these families--about ME who has never had to go through something like this with one of my own children. I just thought I'd pass along the website. I hope no one ever has to go through this but if you do or someone you know does PLEASE call this foundation.

On another note, a blog a friend led me to over a year ago that has really encouraged me even in the sadness of it all is Be prepared to cry your eyes out AND to be amazed at the gift God has given Adrienne to really grow herself in her faith and relay it to those of us on the other side of the computer screen.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

a tribute to my mom

The title makes it sound like this post is going to be a sappy read, but don't worry, it's not (although there may be one in the future). Really, I was just fooling around with some pictures that I love and I came across the first one of my mom holding Shiloh DEBORAH Ruth Skipper (emphasis via Grama Debi, aka "Deborah") the day after Shi was born. I just love this picture of my mom. I love it because any time she tries to tell me that she doesn't think she's pretty, I'm going to flash this RIGHT in her face! I love it because I couldn't wait to tell her that we'd named Shiloh after her. I love it because she's such a great mom and a great Grama (not a Great Grama, but great as in awesome). I love it because it reminds me of when we lived in Georgia so far from her and now we're RIGHT UP THE ROAD!! So here's to you, Mom. We love you!

Another picture with props to mom--this is Shiloh a couple of weeks ago in an outfit I wore when I was a little girl. Mom saved it all these years and when she saw Shi in it she said she looked exactly like I used to. Wish I had a picture of me in it--actually there probably is one somewhere--but for now, just picture in your mind :)

just a couple--more I'm trying out frames--any preference?

Monday, January 7, 2008

an awesome family

This past Saturday, I had what I would consider a REAL photo shoot. The best part was the pictures were of some great friends of mine and their sweet little guy. Haley & I were in one another's weddings and it was so great to reconnect with her--she married a BJ, too! (that name just seems to equal quality guy). I was nervous beforehand, just hoping & praying things would go well, this whole thing of actually taking pictures FOR REAL is very, very new. So, needless to say, I'm honored they trusted me. Here's a few from that day, hope you guys enjoy...

how cute are they? I love you guys!

can you believe those blue eyes?!? he's as sweet in person as he appears in the pictures

I love this one because BJ kept referring to himself as the "overprotective" parent--Little E isn't walking yet, but he's so close--and there's Daddy's hand just in case he needs him. It just reminded me of our Heavenly Father, not overbearing--but not missing a beat.
(it was great seeing you guys--love ya!)

a little sad

okay, as the day goes on I am getting sad about his hair. THEN, BJ came home and he is sad. He thinks it looks great and most of all is happy Judah loves it, but it just doesn't look like our Judah man...who knew you could be so attached to HAIR?!?

say goodbye to the Skipper locks!

Well, it's official. Judah no longer has long hair. I can't believe it--BJ hasn't even seen it yet, he isn't going to know what to say because he looks sooo different!
Just a few facts before I post the pictures:
1. Did we like his long hair? Yes

2. Did we make him keep his hair long? NO! (this always throws people off. But I promise you, we've always told him if he wanted to cut his hair, he could. We just always prayed he'd want to cut it for the RIGHT reasons, not because some older person in Sam's told him he looked pretty or a random individual called him a girl, to which his response was, "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy!" love it...)

3. Did he cut it for the right reasons? YES! We were thrilled when Judah came up to us and told us he wanted his hair like Jaron's. Jaron is a friend of his from Georgia, our best friends' son. He looks up to Jaron, thinks he's cool, thus, right reason. Also, he has mentioned he wants to look like Knight Peter from Narnia, so we're doing good.

4. Do we like his hair short? Yes! I do at least, BJ hasn't seen it yet, but I know he will. He looks so stinkin cute, I don't know what to do. Now, off to Wal-Mart for some decent hair gel.

5. Who is that gorgeous girl cutting his hair? That would be Aunt Ali, aka, my sister. Didn't she do a great job? You gotta love talented relatives.
okay, here goes...




Doesn't he look adorable? To quote Zoe & Malachi, "he doesn't even look like Judah!"--he really does look different.