I just wanted to add some pictures, mainly of Shiloh with her piggy tails! She's a riot, but this girl has "spirit" as we like to call it! I've heard people say that about the third and so far, she's proving them right. She climbed up a slide as tall as me and went down it all by herself at the park last week. She flew right off the end, landed on her butt, got up and went right back to do it again. It was great. She is definitely brave.
Zoe is loving school and is learning her letters. She's made friends there and we've entered that world where I know all the friends she has don't have Christian parents and we've got to teach her how to not judge her friends, how to share Christ with them and yet to also understand that she needs to surround herself with friends that know Jesus. Wow, I felt so overwhelmed at the thought of all we have to guide her in. Thank you God for the Holy Spirit who promises to do that because it would be way too much. I've met with some other moms who want to homeschool (one of them already does) and we're going to get a group together, so that is a huge answer to prayer.
Judah is very into "bunkin" bulls (aka bucking bulls from the rodeo!) so he's definitely embracing life on the farm. The other night for the first time since we left Georgia, he thanked God for bringing him to Kansas. Leaving Georgia has been the hardest for him and it has broken my heart. He misses being able to work with his Daddy whenever and I think change is just something he doesn't love.

BJ is liking his job a lot, thank God, because Kansas has been hard for him, too. Not Kansas itself, but leaving his own company and the freedom of it (although he totally appreciates the weekly check). It's just an adjustment. Pray for him if you think about it--he needs encouraged. But he'll be going with some guys from Georgia to Charleston, SC in a couple of weeks and he'll get some time at the beach and this is crucial for him! Hopefully he'll start seminary in January--keep praying about that too.
I'm loving being close to my family. Living with my dad has been great and it's strengthened a relationship with him that I wasn't always sure about. The kids spend a ton of time with Malachi, Ali's son. It's awesome. Grama Debi is right up the road. It's just what I've always wanted them to experience. Ali bought a house so everyone has been fixing that up together. I am also trying to get my photography/card design company going. It's slow with three little ones, but it would be such a great way to make some extra money.
As for our living situation, we feel that God is asking us to lay down the buying a house again. It's the hardest thing to do but we do feel that God has promised that to us, but just not for right now. We're actually going to look at a house to rent tonight, it's small, SMALL, but if we can get it for cheap and pay down some of our bills and have $ for seminary, who cares? People live in things way smaller than this and we'll manage--it'll just mean less stuff and "closer" family time (and you know I am giving double meaning for closer!)

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