I thought I'd add some pictures of the kids from Halloween. We had a great time, and I loved how their costumes turned out. Shiloh was a butterfly, Judah was a surfer with a wave in his hair (and Cody Maverick in the barrel, thanks to Daddy. Zoe was a flower garden. You can't really see it here, but she had a fence in her hair and a butterfly and flowers all over. They are as I type this devouring their candy. My theory is let's have one major meltdown and get it over with. What do other people do? I'm sure good parents throw some away so they don't have the dentist bills later. I guess I'm not there yet. We're heading to Georgia next week to visit our family and friends thanks to the generosity of some amazing friends--it should be a lot of fun. Judah was just telling the drivers license lady how much he misses Georgia and all his friends, poor guy. Still praying about a house to rent--keep that in prayer for us.
You aren't as bad as us, we don't even do anything with our kids on Halloween. But grandma sends more then enough candy. I suppose they will probably sleep well after all that sugar once then come down from the high! Should be a pretty uneventful night, right?!
Hey Aubin! Julie and Andy pointed me in the direction of your Blog. I know nothing about this kind of thing so hopefully this posts correctly! Jules said your kids were adorable and they are! They were so little last time I saw them, I can't believe how big they are! If you have the same e-mail, I sent you an e-mail the other day. Mine is the same rla08@hotmail.com Hope you are doing well.
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