the birthday girl (I made her little kimono...gotta brag on myself a little, you know)

apples that I sewed for her

no broccoli cake for this little lady :)
We are starting to feel more and more settled every day. I think it's just hard to get our heads around that this is home. Which is strange because I'm from here. Who knows what that's all about. There is still a lot to figure out...exactly where we're going to live (we're living with my dad for now), when bj will start seminary, how long will we really be here, how are we going to be involved in this church (oh and friends, it's so different. I can't even begin to describe how different--but very biblical, and we love the pastor and his wife. We are fairly confident this is where God wants us).
So I guess that's it for tonight. I'll try to be better about more posts, but don't count on it. How's that for commitment?! I'm trying to get more pictures to load, but they won't, so I'm going to try later. See ya
hey friend! love those cowboys (and cowgirls:) I can't believe Shiloh's running around- so cute! That's one awesome family y'all have. and what beautiful country to live in. lucky!!;)
Love you,
Aubin-you rock! I'm lovin' the little kimono and those apples-way too cool. Thanks for hanging out with us today. :)
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