Just a few facts before I post the pictures:
1. Did we like his long hair? Yes
2. Did we make him keep his hair long? NO! (this always throws people off. But I promise you, we've always told him if he wanted to cut his hair, he could. We just always prayed he'd want to cut it for the RIGHT reasons, not because some older person in Sam's told him he looked pretty or a random individual called him a girl, to which his response was, "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy!" love it...)
3. Did he cut it for the right reasons? YES! We were thrilled when Judah came up to us and told us he wanted his hair like Jaron's. Jaron is a friend of his from Georgia, our best friends' son. He looks up to Jaron, thinks he's cool, thus, right reason. Also, he has mentioned he wants to look like Knight Peter from Narnia, so we're doing good.
4. Do we like his hair short? Yes! I do at least, BJ hasn't seen it yet, but I know he will. He looks so stinkin cute, I don't know what to do. Now, off to Wal-Mart for some decent hair gel.
5. Who is that gorgeous girl cutting his hair? That would be Aunt Ali, aka, my sister. Didn't she do a great job? You gotta love talented relatives.
okay, here goes...


wow, tell him his aunt aimee and uncle jay think he looks cooler than ever, it really does look like one of jaron's haircuts!!! i love it.
Judah looks great! Luke says, "cool" and recognized him without seeing the before photos. :) Your sister did great.
Super job on your photo shoot. I would have been nervous as well.
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