A friend reminded me of a foundation I had read about awhile back and just never felt like I was ready to offer my services. The foundation is called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. Their mission statement is below.
Their website is www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org and basically it is a foundation for parents whose babies have died and they have a volunteer database of photographers who will volunteer their time to come and take portraits of your baby in the hospital. I love it. You also receive a dvd of the pictures at no cost. The sitution is so hard and you can't imagine in that moment maybe even wanting photos, but it's so worth it. Anyway, I was ready so many of the families' stories and was just crying at the computer screen. Thinking about Micaiah, about these families--about ME who has never had to go through something like this with one of my own children. I just thought I'd pass along the website. I hope no one ever has to go through this but if you do or someone you know does PLEASE call this foundation.
On another note, a blog a friend led me to over a year ago that has really encouraged me even in the sadness of it all is www.noahsteven.blogspot.com Be prepared to cry your eyes out AND to be amazed at the gift God has given Adrienne to really grow herself in her faith and relay it to those of us on the other side of the computer screen.