These pictures are the daughters of an awesome friend . Carmen was actually in a group of mine when she was in high school and I was a "leader"--scary thought :) But we always said when she was out of school we knew we'd stay friends, and we have. She's a lot of fun to be around and BJ & I wish we lived closer to their family so we could hang out more (and watch Japanese human tetris--duh!) Anyway, Ellie & Eva are beautiful and so obviously photogenic.
These pictures are of our pastor & his wife and their family. I find it hilarious that it was very obvious Shane feels more comfortable behind a podium in front of tons of people than he does in front of a camera! my WORST nightmare!! Too bad for him, though, has to happen for the family photo :) I think we had a good time--going to a historical park they visit a lot made the kids very comfortable. Enjoy!
Next up, pictures of my sister, Alex. Not hard to get a good shot of her--she's gorgeous. I'm not done editing all of them, but here are a few for now.
First of all, I am soooooo behind on posting pictures from recent sessions, it's not even funny. So in the next 20 minutes I'm going to get myself updated!
Anyway, these pictures are from a session I did at the beginning of July. I've known this family forever, we're related through my stepdad and the two oldest guys are in our youth group. I love this family. So down to earth, considerate boys and just awesome all around. Needless to say, this session would not be categorized under "boring"--I had a great time. You'll see what I mean :)
yes, it's a real frog. Ah, life with boys--love it